Love is oppression, solitude is life?

The joint checking account is a system of oppression that needs dismantling — or something like that.

All available evidence suggests that couples are not only less likely to wed, but they are also less likely to merge their finances as fully as in the recent past.

If you have a bunch of married 30-something-year-olds as friends, you may have already noticed something on Venmo: A lot of husbands reimbursing their wives for half the groceries or wives paying hubby for half the water bill.

“My parents see our finances like, ‘What’s yours is your husband’s,'” one millennial married woman told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “I just don’t see it that way.”

This peculiarity of modern “enlightened” man isn’t grounded in some technocratic adherence to best practices but in a religious devotion of sorts — a worship of autonomy.