Former CNN Talking Head Demands Nationwide MSNBC Boycott In Wake of Reid’s Well Deserved Firing

Apparently, the tens of people who watched Joy Reid's show are angry and planning to boycott MSNBC over her firing.

At the end of the day, MSNBC is a business. She was pulling very few viewers and therefore, the network found it hard to find companies willing to advertise and support her show. That's the facts.


To be fair, most Americans have been boycotting MSNBC for at least a decade.

Or in Joy's case, if aliens time travel and hack your blog making you say very homophobic things, and everyone buys your dumb story, did it really happen?

That would be the cherry on top.

Stacey Abrams received a huge payoff for all of her embarrassing losses. There was something in it for her. Joy will likely get something similar. 

This has to be opposite day.

Sunny and Joy are in a race to the bottom.

This is an excellent idea.

This is it in a nutshell.