Alec Baldwin Threatens To Break Heckling Trump Impersonator's F-ing Neck

Alec Baldwin threatened to break a comedian’s neck and shove a camera up his ass for heckling him over the 2021 “Rust” shooting.

Jason Scoop — who was impersonating President Trump in the wild video posted to social media Monday — began to taunt the actor as he unloaded luggage from the back of an SUV in front of his New York City home.

“Alec, it’s your favorite president!” Scoop, sporting a navy blue suit and blond wig, shouted at Baldwin — famous for portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live.”

“Look, Alec, I will offer you a total pardon ’cause I wanna be friends, right? I wanna be friends. I will give you a total pardon for murdering that woman if you kiss the ring,” Scoop said, mimicking POTUS.

Baldwin at one point seems to reply, based on the audio of the video:  I want you to be real careful. If this camera wasn’t here, I’d snap your f–king neck in half and break your f–king neck right here. You know that, don’t you?” More here

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